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     N e w    A g e    M i n d   was Conceived with Transcendental L O V E and Universal Realization
New Age Mind
The MYSTERY of LIFE is then 'RE VEILED'...to the 'DREAMER'

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U r a n u s - N e p t u n e - P l u t o

Archetypal Forces / Higher Frequencies
are outside the Control and Comprehension of the EGO. (1.)

Transpersonal experience gives our personality a context beyond yet also inclusive of itself and this often occurs with the phenomena of outside shocks. They are outside the control and comprehension of ego.

Real life delivers outside shocks that confront ego with objective truths, those existing conditions of real life that the ego did not cause or cannot manipulate.

When faced with circumstances beyond our control, we either learn to acquiesce or surrender or, we extend our suffering by resisting reality.

Outside shocks coincide with the astrological symbols of the transpersonal planets, or forces, as;
the shocks of oppression/freedom (Uranus),
the shocks of isolation/unity (Neptune),
and the shocks of death/rebirth (Pluto).

Outside shocks trigger growth spurts, inciting new possibilities where previous crystallizations thwarted development.

With each new shock, the personality often enters a temporary disorientation period, a rapid growth cycle, wherein creative opportunities emerge for rearranging and realigning our life as we know it to more truth and higher frequencies.

P L U T O - P O W E R and YOU
- Manifesting in our lifes - These are the Forces beyond our control:
This is an energy that builds slowly

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PLUTO: Transformation/Shocks of Death/Rebirth

The Forces that the Transformation Wizard Pluto injects into our life's, are beyond the control and comprehension of ego.

Pluto and Saturn (Pluto’s lesser octave)

Pluto quotes: (2.)

 What we are reluctant to touch often seems the very fabric of our salvation. (Don DeLillo, White Noise.)

 That which always was, / and is, and will be everlasting fire, / the same for all, the cosmos, / made neither by god nor man, / replenishes in measure / as it burns away.

 By cosmic rule, / as day yields night, / so winter summer, / war peace, plenty famine. / All things change. / Fire penetrates the lump / of myrrh, until the joining / bodies die and rise again / in smoke called incense.

 What was scattered / gathers. / What was gathered / blows apart.

 The living, when the dead / wood of the bow / springs back to life, must die.

 Gods live past our meager death. / We die past their ceaseless living.

 After death comes / nothing hoped for / nor imagined. (Heraclitus.)

 Even in a wound there is the power to heal. (Nietzsche, Twilight of the Gods.)

 Does anyone know what is in his subconscious? It would not be his subconscious if he did. (Picasso.)

 True philosophers make dying their profession. (Plato.)

 The more one probes, the more one deepens the mystery; it’s always out of reach. (Georges Braque.)

Pluto is considered the Great Transformer of the cosmos and is epitomized by Einstein’s dictum that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. While the organization of energy is altered, metamorphosed, and transformed into new forms, the energy itself does not perish. Pluto symbolizes this transformative alteration and the process that determines such far-reaching change.

Pluto rules in-depth transformation processes that occur in the psyche. While such processes have an enduring effect on the personality and on the structure of consciousness, they originate at a level far removed from the ego-complex and its ordinary functions and concerns.

Pluto symbolizes the archetypal world of the col­lective unconscious (a terrain first brought to the attention of the contemporary world through the research of Carl Jung). Although each planetary symbol describes an archetypal pattern (typical patterns of perception and behavior that are innate and that transcend the spatial and temporal world),

Pluto symbolizes the overall repository of the archetypes. It represents the “underworld” of the collective unconscious and of the collective psychic changes that originate there and that manifest as mass movements in social history.

Past Lifes: Pluto holds the secrets of our past lives. In transit it provides experiences about the karmic guilt that needs to be consciously processed and resolved to create karmic balance and true freedom. (3.)

Pluto takes 248 years on its journey around the Zodiac. Three lifetimes, nine generations, the period of total renewal. This is the time scales on which nations rise or fall, over which enemies become friends, over which profound change works through all society. 248 years ago the industrial revolution was just gaining momentum. Now we enter the completion of that cycle with its consequences.

the Greek Hades is identical with Pluto.
The Egyptian Osiris can also be mentioned here.

Gods of transformation, doorways, and of death and rebirth
Alcyone, Cel, Chernobog, Dagda, Dis Pater, Erishkigal, Hades, Hel, Hsi Wang Mu, Thanatos, Iyatiku, Janos, Kalma, Morrigan, Nepthys, Osiris, Sekhmet, Tuoni, White Lady

Plants: Acacia, Black Barlow columbine, Black viola, Black pansy, Catechu, Green Wizard Coneflower, Hollow Larkspur, Male Fern, Fireweed, Passionflower (seed, herb), Silverweed, Tribulus fruit Yage

Pluto was one of the prominent gods and had his domain in the third earth and the realms of the dead in mythology.

Transpersonal experience (1.)
gives our personality a context beyond yet also inclusive of itself and this often occurs with the phenomena of outside shocks. They are outside the control and comprehension of ego. Real life delivers outside shocks that confront ego with objective truths, those existing conditions of real life that the ego did not cause or cannot manipulate. When faced with circumstances beyond our control, we either learn to acquiesce or surrender or, we extend our suffering by resisting reality.

If you have served a transpersonal cause, you know how your personality also transforms into a vessel for the powerful collective currents of awakening (Uranus), compassion (Neptune), or transformation (Pluto).

When faced with circumstances beyond our control, we either learn to acquiesce or surrender or, we extend our suffering by resisting reality. Outside shocks coincide with the astrological symbols of the transpersonal planets, or forces, as the shocks of oppression/freedom (Uranus), the shocks of isolation/unity (Neptune), and the shocks of death/rebirth (Pluto).

Outside shocks trigger growth spurts, inciting new possibilities where previous crystallizations thwarted development. With each new shock, the personality often enters a temporary disorientation period, a rapid growth cycle, wherein creative opportunities emerge for rearranging and realigning our life as we know it to more truth and higher frequencies. It just takes a certain receptivity to notice this.

In the Tran­scendental Pluto region, psychic processes that were previously blocked or repressed will break into consciousness in the form of impersonal images that press for conscious recognition and formal expression in life. The “sex, death, and rebirth” theme of Scorpio (traditionally ruled by Pluto) will find formal expression in a broader understanding of sexuality, perhaps as a means of transforming or transcending the personal identity (e.g., la petite mort); an awareness of death as the ulti­mate transformer of the Self; and a fuller comprehension of the forces that must be channeled to effect a collective rebirth in the global society. Pluto’s transformational energy finds expression in cer­tain classic Pluto professions: a therapist who tears down inhibiting autonomous complexes; an archaeologist who tears through layers of sediment to uncover archaic ruins; a researcher who delves deeper and deeper, burrowing into the essence of his subject; a surgeon who penetrates the body and transforms its functioning. (2.)

Keynote phrases for Pluto:
 Wisdom gained through in-depth transformation processes, often experienced as horrifying, annihilating, and ego fracturing.
 The tripartite archetypal process of: complete breakdown into constituent elements; realignment and metamorphosis; transformation, regeneration, and renewal (rebirth).
 A process whereby the ego or will (Sun) undergoes a thorough change through an intercession of the transpersonal Self (the latter referred to as the Divine Will; the Cosmic Will; the imago Dei; or the god in man).
 The experience of God as a terrifying or insurmountable obstacle upon which the iden­tity is smashed apart and, ultimately, reborn.
 The deus absconditus: the “hidden” or “concealed God,” whose presence is felt during experiences of profound and irrevocable change.
 The final form of yang consciousness in the symbolic solar system.
 Yang energy experienced as a cosmic identity or transpersonal spirit.

Since the late 1930's, all the planets have astrologically passed through Ophiuchus' area of the sky. All but one that is. The planet Pluto began its journey through Ophiuchus and the Serpent around the start of the 1990's.

Pluto will complete its journey through Ophiuchus around 2012, the date many of us recognize as the end of an over 5000-year long Mayan calendar cycle. The Mayan calendar is based on galactic astrology cycles. These are cycles involving the stars, such as the Pleiades.

The Mayan calendar cycles are not limited to the planets of our solar system.

C O S M I C - I N I T I A T I O N S
Are "NOW" Being Administered
Direct From the Heart of Galactica-Central


G U I D E D - M E D I T A T I O N S
Are "NOW" Being Administered
Direct From the Heart of Galactica-Central



This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis of specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt professional medical attention if you have a particular concern about your health or specific symptoms.

Meditation can produce strong effects, not always salutary. Therefore it is advised to seek experienced guidance. Neither newagemind.com nor the Author(s) can be held responsible for any negative effects of any M E D I T A T I O N / I N I T I A T I O N practices.

By practicing any of these meditation / initiation techniques you do so at YOUR OWN RISK and acknowledge you have read and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.

Use your own discretion while trying them. Meditation is a person's own journey to his inner self. What may suits some people may not suits everybody. If you are ill or weak, take your doctor's advice before trying meditation. Again - use your own discretion.

Though meditation has been shown to be helpful in certain medical conditions, it should never be considered as a substitute for medical treatment, for psychological or psychiatric counseling, or for needed medication.

If you feel discomfort while practicing the meditations, stop immediately. If you are a heart patient or suspect that you may have a heart ailment, consult a physician before practicing.

Because each person's health needs are different, a physician should be consulted before acting on any information provided in these materials.

(1.) Antero Alli: http://www.verticalpool.com
(2.) The Role of the Least Aspected Planet in
       Astrocartography. Planetary Symbolism in Astrocartography and Transcendental Astrology,
       by Robert Couteau: http://www.dominantstar.com/tpluto.htm
(3.) Linda Brady: http://www.creativechoices.com/article/fear.htm

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