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     N e w    A g e    M i n d   was Conceived with Transcendental L O V E and Universal Realization
New Age Mind
The MYSTERY of LIFE is then 'RE VEILED'...to the 'DREAMER'

New Age Mind
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  GOD - the CREATOR, or What ever Name you choose

  There are many names for this entity.... some know it as the Soul,
     the Source or Higher Power, guardian Angel, eighth chakra, or God.
     What we name or call it makes no difference.
     But to surrender to and call upon it changes lives.

  All Religions serve the spiritual maturity of "both" their leaders and     followers.

  No person, pastor, priest, rabbi, guru, religion or organization
     can save the soul of another.
     However they all can be of service by providing information.

  "Truth lies within yourself. There is a higher power and strength
     and wisdom in yourself. Turn inwards and there evoke the strength
     which is, the power which is the heritage of all the sons of men
     who are the sons of God."

The word 'Religion' come from the Latin root 'Religio';
to 'Link Back to the SOURCE'.

The purpose of all the major religious traditions is not to construct big temples on the outside, but to create temples of goodness and compassion inside, in our hearts.
H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

The conception of a 'concealed Deity' lies at the heart of all religions."
This is the mystic realization and the object of the search that humanity has carried on down the ages.

The exponents of the world religions have embodied in their teaching one aspect of the search, accepting the fact of God as a basic premise, and with their 'heart's love' and devotion and worship proving the reality of his Existence. The testimony of the mystics of all time and races is so vast that it now in itself constitutes a body of proven facts.

Nature expresses invisible energies through visible forms." Back of the objective world of phenomena, human or solar, small or great, organic or inorganic, lies a subjective world of forces which is responsible for the outer form.

Behind the outer material shell is to be found a vast empire of BEING, and it is into this world of living energies that both religion and science are now penetrating.

Everything outer and tangible is a symbol of inner creative forces and it is this idea that underlies all symbology.

A symbol is an outer and visible form of an inner and spiritual reality.

The veil that hides the concealed Deity is wearing thin, and the work of those who have achieved knowledge, the program of the Christ and of his Church, the plans of the hidden band of world workers, the Rishis and the occult Hierarchy of our planet, is now focused upon leading humanity on to the Path of Discipleship, and training many of the more advanced so that they can become the knowers and 'initiates' of the new age.

Thus men will pass out of the Hall of Learning into the Hall of Wisdom, from the realm of the unreal to the Real, and from the outer darkness of phenomenal existence into the light that shines always in the 'kingdom of spirit'.

Self-awareness when truly developed, enables a man to discover that the concealed Deity in the universe is identical in nature, though vastly greater in degree and consciousness, with the concealed Deity within himself. Man then can become consciously the Onlooker, the Beholder, the Perceiver. He is no longer identified with the matter aspect, but is the One who uses it as a medium of expression.

One of the ancient scriptures of India says: "By mastery of the binding life comes radiance," and it was this mastery of the imprisoning form which was the glorious consummation of all the undertakings of 'Hercules'.

We are told that he had a divine father and an earthly mother and so, as with all sons of God, we find the same basic symbology emerging. They typify in their persons the essential duality of God in manifestation, of life in form, of soul in body, and of spirit and matter.

This duality is the glory of humanity and also constitutes the problem which every human being has to solve.

'Father-Spirit' and 'Mother-Matter' MEET TOGETHER IN MAN, and the work of the disciple is to withdraw himself from the bonds of the mother and thus respond to the 'L O V E' of the Father.

After accomplishing 'at-one-ment' with Psyche, the 'SOUL'.
From that 'UNION' the 'THREE aspects of the SOUL' were 'BORN' or began to 'MANIFEST' themselves. He began to know the nature of the 'spiritual will' and to use it in the directing of his life.

He experienced the workings of 'spiritual L O V E' and became 'CONSCIOUS' of the NEED to SERVE. Spiritual MIND began to reveal truth to him and he saw the underlying purpose.

These are the higher correspondences of the three aspects of the personality, his 'mind', his 'emotional nature', and his 'physical body'.

The name Hercules was originally Herakles, which signifies "the glory of Hera". Hera represents Psyche, or the 'SOUL', so his name embodied his mission, which was to manifest forth in active work on the physical plane the glory and the power of his 'innate divinity'.

Each one of us is an 'embryo Hercules', and each one of us faces the identical labors; each of us has the same goal to achieve and the same circle of the zodiac to encompass.

The constellations symbolize the threefold spirit aspect; that the sign gives us the
field of activity of the soul.

In these three we have spirit, soul and body summarized.
Life, consciousness and form meet in Hercules, the personal self, who, acting under the influence of the soul, the 'indwelling Christ', carries out the purposes of the Spirit, the Father in Heaven.

The characteristics of the man immersed in form life and under the rule of matter are fear, individualism, competition and greed. These have to give place to spiritual confidence, cooperation, group awareness and 'selflessness'. He had to know in fact and in experience that he was God. This is the lesson that Hercules brings to us.

The new understanding impels him to 'IDENTIFY himself with the SOUL'. A reorientation then takes place, and a new and self-directed effort is initiated, which is portrayed for us in the story of Hercules, the 'Sun-God'.1
The main focus of the 'New Age Mind' is to establish a universal understanding of the nature of reality, and to foster the growth of the spiritual consciousness. Though in some ways religious differences are the hardest to bridge or heal, yet real progress has been made in this phase of the Hierarchical work.

This 'great work' of expanding the human consciousness to comprehend the nature of reality, of bringing to light the hidden wonders of the universe, and of hastening the unfoldment of the latent powers in mankind. These powers, when awakened, will be extensions of many of the present senses and will admit man into that world which lies behind the veil of ignorance and matter.

As a result of the 'New Age Mind Set' there will be a pouring in of light upon mankind which will alter his conditions of living, change his outlook upon world affairs, and inaugurate a new age which will be distinguished by an aptitude for group synthesis and cooperation, and by new mental powers, leading to a reorientation of the mind so that it can function with equal facility in two directions.

It will be able to turn outward into the world of manifested forms, and inward into the world of synthesis, of 'unity and of spirit'. There will be a fresh attitude towards life which will evidence itself in a better sense of values, for life will have a meaning hitherto unknown, and we shall have an interpretation of that meaning which will enrich our daily experience.

There is an assumption that all divine things are separate from Human Beings. This assumption actually makes good sense, for 'it follows three-dimensional thinking'. It's 'logical'.

You know how to separate the tangible from the intangible, and the things that are marvelous, unseen, invisible and miraculous belong to God.

Things that are mundane and ordinary belong to you, the Human. And that's an old energy concept, if you know that or not, and 'it's a paradigm that's about to be shattered'. What if those masters who walked this planet, who did grand things, were just like you?

"Oh no," you might say, "No, they weren't like me." Yes, they were! Have you heard the term, "Made in His image?" They were 'just like you', and you're 'just like them'. The only difference is that they had 'activated' certain parts of their 'Human interdimensional DNA', the divine parts that made them seem supernatural to you. And as you viewed that, you called it "God."

There is today in the world a very large number of those who fundamentally believe in the brotherhood of religions. Though the unintelligent masses everywhere have little or no idea of things spiritual, they can be more easily brought to believe in the one God and to the idea of a universal faith than to any other idea.

Many thousands of them are frankly agnostic or believe in nothing, whilst many other thousands are restive under the control of theological authority.

The view that we are multileveled beings is echoed in the world's mystical and religious traditions. Mystical Christianity, for example, speaks of body, soul, and spirit. The Hindu Vedanta speaks of five koshas, or sheaths of consciousness. And theosophy speaks of seven 'principles'.

Belief in God and Heaven and in an immortal future have grown out of the ancient awe and ignorant terror of infant humanity. They saw in all the phenomena of nature (incomprehensible and terrifying) the activity of a gigantic man, built on lines which were the projection of their own consciousness, and who could be propitiated or angered by the behavior of a human being.

The result of a man's effect upon this deity provided man's destiny, which was either good or bad according to the reactions of this God to his deeds. Thus we have the origin of the heaven or hell complexes of the present religious faiths.

From this grew, automatically, the idea of a persistent entity called the soul, which could enjoy heaven or suffer hell at the will of God and as the result of actions done whilst in the human form.

As the forms of man grew in sensitivity; as they became more and more refined under the influence of the law of selection and of adaptation; as the group life grew closer and the group integration was improved; as the heritage of history, of tradition and of the arts grew richer and made its impress, so that ideas of God grew, and likewise ideas of the soul and of the world, man's concepts of reality grew richer and deeper, so that today we are faced with the problem of a thought inheritance which testifies to a world of concepts, ideas and intuitions which deal with the immaterial and the intangible, and which testify to an agelong belief in a soul and its immortality for which there is no true justification. Or is there?

Thought Patterns
The world structure emerges from and is built upon certain inner thought patterns, and it is these thought patterns which are producing the present flood of governmental experiments among all nations.

But today there is no training given upon the process of contacting the world of patterns and upon the true interpretation of ideas, and hence the problems. Later, when the race sees its problem with clarity, it will act with wisdom and train with care its Observers and Communicators.

These will be men and women in whom the intuition has awakened at the behest of an urgent intellect; they will be people whose minds are so subordinated to the group good, and so free from all sense of separativeness, that their minds present no impediment to the contact with the world of reality and of inner truth.

They will not necessarily be people who could be termed "religious" in the ordinary sense of that word, but they will be men and women of good will, of high mental caliber, with minds well stocked and equipped; they will be free from personal ambition and selfishness, animated by love of humanity and by a desire to help the race.
Such people are spiritual!

"Listen to this great secret. Although I am above birth and rebirth, or Law, being the Lord of all there is, for all emanateth from me, still do I 'WILL' to appear in MY own universe and am therefore born by MY Power and Thought and Will." (The Bhagavad Gita, as compiled and adapted by Yogi Ramacharaka).


The scientific investigators have sought through a knowledge of the form to find truth, and have brought us to a position of wide knowledge and at the same time to a paralleling conception of our profound ignorance.

We have learned much of the outer garment of God through physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences, but we have struggled into a realm where all appears to be hypothesis and inference.

All that we surely know is that all forms are aspects of energy; that there is an interplay and an impact of energies upon our planet; that the planet is itself an energy unit composed of a multitude of energy units, and that man himself is likewise a composite bundle of forces and moving in a world of force.

This is where science so wonderfully has led us, and this is where the astrologer, the occultist, the idealist and the mystic also meet and testify to a concealed Deity, to a living Being, to a Universal Mind, and to a central Energy.

Science has demonstrated to us that all we can really know with certainty is the tangible world of phenomena, with its forms, its mechanisms, its test tubes and its laboratories, and the bodies of men "fearfully and wonderfully made," diverse and different.

These in some mysterious way produce thoughts and dreams and imaginings, and which, in their turn, find expression in the formulated schemes of the past, the present and the future, or in the fields of literature, art and of science itself, or in the simple everyday life of the ordinary human being who lives and loves and works and plays and bears children and eats food and earns money and sleeps.

C O S M I C - I N I T I A T I O N S
Are "NOW" Being Administered
Direct From the Heart of Galactica-Central


G U I D E D - M E D I T A T I O N S
Are "NOW" Being Administered
Direct From the Heart of Galactica-Central



This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis of specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt professional medical attention if you have a particular concern about your health or specific symptoms.

Meditation can produce strong effects, not always salutary. Therefore it is advised to seek experienced guidance. Neither newagemind.com nor the Author(s) can be held responsible for any negative effects of any M E D I T A T I O N / I N I T I A T I O N practices.

By practicing any of these meditation / initiation techniques you do so at YOUR OWN RISK and acknowledge you have read and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.

Use your own discretion while trying them. Meditation is a person's own journey to his inner self. What may suits some people may not suits everybody. If you are ill or weak, take your doctor's advice before trying meditation. Again - use your own discretion.

Though meditation has been shown to be helpful in certain medical conditions, it should never be considered as a substitute for medical treatment, for psychological or psychiatric counseling, or for needed medication.

If you feel discomfort while practicing the meditations, stop immediately. If you are a heart patient or suspect that you may have a heart ailment, consult a physician before practicing.

Because each person's health needs are different, a physician should be consulted before acting on any information provided in these materials.

1. http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/hercules

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