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     N e w    A g e    M i n d   was Conceived with Transcendental L O V E and Universal Realization
New Age Mind
The MYSTERY of LIFE is then 'RE VEILED'...to the 'DREAMER'

New Age Mind
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S E V E N - R A Y S

The concept of the Rays originated in the ancient Vedic literature of India, and were associated with the Seven Rishis, advanced beings who acted as agents of the Absolute. The Seven Rays were introduced to the west by Madam Blavatsky, and included in her book The Secret Doctrine.

Amongst her variety of teachings on the ancient wisdom was the concept of the Seven Rays, the divine energy responsible for the evolution of all life. Everything we know about the Seven Rays is based on the work of Madam Blavatsky.

The essence of the teaching behind the Seven Rays is that each of us develops along one of seven different evolutionary paths. This makes the transmission of objective knowledge concerning the Rays very difficult, because each interpretation will be tailored to suit the Ray type of the communicator.

The seven rays are the sum total of the divine Consciousness, of the universal Mind; They might be regarded as seven intelligent Entities through Whom the plan is working out. They embody divine purpose, express the qualities required for the materializing of that purpose, and They create the forms and are the forms through which the divine idea can be carried forward to completion.

Through the seven rays, the life or spirit aspect flows, cycling through every kingdom in nature and producing thus all states of consciousness in all fields of awareness.

The Seven Rays exist as the various conditions of energy and matter, taking the last two terms as different aspects of the same reality: the highest or finest state of energy or matter is its First Ray manifestation and the lowest or most dense state is its Seventh Ray manifestation.

Man himself (being made in the image of God) is a sevenfold being, capable of seven states of consciousness, expressive of the seven principles or basic qualities which enable him to be aware of the seven planes upon which he is, consciously or unconsciously, functioning. He is a septenate at all times, but 'his objective is to be CONSCIOUSLY aware' of all the states of being, to express consciously all the qualities, and to function freely on all the planes.

We are told that seven great rays exist in the cosmos. In our solar system only one of these seven great rays is in operation. The seven subdivisions constitute the "seven rays" which, wielded by our solar Logos, form the basis of endless variations in His system of worlds.

These seven rays may be described as the seven channels through which all being in His solar system flows, the seven predominant characteristics or modifications of life, for it is not to humanity only that these rays apply, but to the seven kingdoms as well.

It must not be forgotten that these rays are related to each other, and in the great interlacing and interlocking of the planetary and the solar forces every kingdom comes under the influence of every ray, yet with certain rays always controlling and certain others dominating cyclically. The rays determine the quality of the manifesting life and indicate the type of the appearance.

In fact there is nothing in the whole solar system, at whatever stage of evolution it may stand, which does not belong and has not always belonged to one or other of the seven rays.
The Brain and the Seven Rays
Symbolically, They may be regarded as constituting the brain of the divine Heavenly Man. They correspond to the ventricles of the brain, to the seven centers within the brain, to the seven centers of force, and to the seven major glands which determine the quality of the physical body. They are the conscious executors of divine purpose; They are the seven Breaths, animating all forms which have been created by Them to carry out the plan.2
The Planets and the Kingdoms
It might be of interest to note that all the planets have a close relation to all the kingdoms, but that this relation should not be confounded with the planetary rays or with the fact that some of the planets are considered as "sacred planets" and some are not. I am here using the words "planetary influence" in the same sense as the astrologer uses them, for he is not dealing, either, with the basic planetary rays. Alice Bailey
The Human Soul
It is the Human soul which exists as part of one of the Seven Rays, giving each person the ability to act as a channel for one of the Rays, once a certain amount of soul contact has been established. The soul Ray is responsible for our spiritual evolution by training our personality in the use of the individual Ray energies available to us.

The Seven are the original divine qualities of the Absolute. Each individual human soul is an essential part of one of the Seven Rays, and through a succession of lifetimes the qualities of that Ray are developed and refined, to further the evolution of Humanity.

Although each person belongs fundamentally to just one Ray, we also possesses minor qualities of other Rays which help to mould the individual character. This is similar to the situation in astrology, where every individual with a Leo sun sign will also have traits taken from other zodiac signs dependent on planetary placings and his Ascendant.

There the similarity ends. It is not possible to ascertain a person's Ray type from a study of the horoscope, because the energies of the Seven Rays which manifest on Earth originate from the realms of the stars far beyond our own solar system, and their energies are scaled down even before they reach the stars which comprise our zodiac signs.

So the Seven Rays, besides being a way of classifying and relating all manner of things both spiritual and mundane, also show that there are seven different approaches to spirituality, as each individual’s soul or Higher Self functions on just one of these Rays.

The Three Primary Rays of Manifestation;

Spiritual Essence or Monad
Above this is our spiritual essence or Monad, which does not function through the Seven Rays but only through the three Primary Rays.

According to the Ancient Wisdom, the 'objective existence of the Absolute began' with just three aspects, 'His Will or Intention', His 'Love or Consciousness' and His 'Form'. This was the origin of three evolutionary life forms, the Lords Of Flame, The Lords Of Mind and the Lords of Form, which correspond to the Absolute's three principles.

To continue the process of evolution, each of His three life forms were again divided by three to allow them to adopt these principles independently from each other, and then into a further four categories to create what we know as 'physical reality':
1st Primary Ray of Will or Intention
Which works as the 'Archetypal Energy'.

The Lords of Flame are 'Elemental gods' who are responsible for the 'seven divisions'
of the 'Absolute's Will' into the 'Seven Kingdoms'.
2nd Primary Ray of Consciousness or Love
Representing our 'Condition of Awareness'.

The Lords of Mind are 'Humans' who are responsible for the 'seven divisions'
of the 'Absolute's Consciousness' into the 'Seven Rays'.
3rd Primary Ray of Form
Representing 'Angular Form'

The Lords of Form are Devas who are responsible for the 'seven divisions'
of the 'Absolute's Form' into the 'Seven Planes'.
This is the minimum requirement for life, although to explain the variety of life forms in existence on Earth, the Third Ray is divided into a further four, called the Rays of Attribute, because form could exist as a single cell, an ocean teaming with life or a planet: the last four Rays put form into perspective.
Seven Chakras and the Seven Rays - Horoscope
The Seven Rays interact with a Human being through the medium of the seven major chakras which form 'links' between 'each of man’s bodies' that exist on 'higher sub-planes' above the physical.

Our 'chakras' are numerically related to 'both' the 'Seven Rays and the Seven Planes', so that the 'lowest', the 'Base Centre', relates to the 'Seventh Ray',
and the 'highest', the 'Crown Centre', relates to the 'First Ray'.
The 'relevant strength of any sign' in a horoscope
has no significance in the determination of an 'individual's soul Ray'.




The ancient name of Orion was "the three Kings", because of the three beautiful stars found in Orion's Belt.

The Three Kings represent the three 'divine aspects' of Will, Love and Intelligence, and Orion, therefore, symbolizes the 'SPIRIT'.

The name Orion literally means "the breaking forth of light."
Egyptians thought that Orion was associated with the god Osiris.

He was a god of resurection and was often represented as the eye of god (the Masonic Order has such an eye of god in their symbol).3
True Shepherd of Anu (Orion)
The first three Rays are called the Primary Rays because they embody both the original Principles of the Absolute, as well as being IDENTICAL to the First, Second and Third Rays, but need to be considered as having a separate existence in order to explain the functions of the Seven Rays, and how the Rays relate to Human life.

The Primaries are the original manifestation of the Rays working at the Monadic level of existence, where only three Rays exist. As such, they are of pure Ray quality, because they embody the essence of the Absolute’s Principles.

To illustrate the natural process of the Primary Rays, imagine a 'still lake' which represents the Second Ray. If we throw a stone into the water, we have used a First Ray action to initiate a result, and the ripples that spread across the lake as the stone hits the surface are Third Ray.

This demonstrates the impetus which First Ray energy is able to create, but first there has to be a still lake waiting for a stone to be thrown into it. The reaction of the stone hitting the water creates the form, as waves ripple out from the centre.

As ripples, they have no form of their own, but their action can affect form indirectly, such as the movement of a leaf floating on the pond’s surface.

Once they 'descend' to the lower levels of existence, they become the Seven Rays to establish physical manifestation. The Seven Rays that relate to Human spirituality are not pure in the sense that the Primaries are pure, but instead partake of minor qualities from other Rays giving them individual and unique characteristics.

The first three Rays are based on the Primaries, so the First and Second Rays can be too refined to function independently, and often work in conjunction with another Ray. The Third Ray is different; it marks the point where we leave the realms of intangibility and begin to enter the more tangible realms of craft.

The Third Ray is where form begins; it is the 'ROOT of IMAGINATIVE THOUGHT' which leads to ideas, and the 'translation of the intangible into form'. From the Third Ray, the other four Rays of Attribute are born, to accomplish the ends begun with the Primaries.

Rays Four through to Seven put Form into perspective, giving them the ability to manifest in our physical reality through a division into practical states of being.
There are two final points, which are central to the understanding of how the Rays function. The first is that each seventh division of the three aspects of the Absolute is closely related to every other division bearing the same number.

If all Rays, Planes, and Kingdoms are numbered from the highest to lowest with the numbers from one to seven, as well as each sub-division, each numbered part will relate to all other parts with the same number, no matter where in the system it is situated.

Therefore, there is a definite relationship between the Seventh Ray, the seventh sub-division of all Rays, the Seventh Plane, the Seventh sub-division of all Planes, the Seventh Kingdom, and the Seventh sub-divisions of all Kingdoms.

For example, the Seventh Ray attribute of ‘earthing’ is related to the Seventh Plane of the Physical as well as the Seventh Kingdom of minerals.

The second point is that between each level of awareness, each sub-division of each Ray and each sub-division of each Plane, there is a very real and definite barrier which explains why in our normal physical state we are completely unaware of realities outside of our own.
The Number Seven
"Why has the 'number seven' always held so much mystical significance? Besides the obvious answer, that the ancients knew of the existence of only seven heavenly bodies, many occultists hold an entirely different opinion. They accept the ancient eastern tradition that each man's spirit is not the same, but belongs to one of seven arbitrary divisions. This sevenfold division of man's higher self has evolved into the concept of the seven rays.

Although the seven rays are best known through their theosophical associations, it is not generally recognised that they have connections with yoga. "The yogis established seven separate schools of yoga in order that any aspirant could choose the one most suitable to his individual spiritual leanings, and there is a definite correspondence between these schools and the rays.
"The first three rays are known as the primary rays, and are associated with the
'three primary colours' red, blue and yellow.

The first ray is 'red', and this colour indicates the energy and impetus behind
'all positive conditions'

The second ray is 'blue', indicating the 'negative void' of 'total unity' which can be
'achieved by the highest expression of the emotions'.

The third ray is 'yellow', which indicates the 'background of form',
or the 'intellectual organisation responsible for manifestation'.
These descriptions are usually simplified as Will, Love and Form or Mind respectively.

"The remaining four secondary rays are compounds of the primaries, and can be defined by their colours which represent the same proportions of the qualities indicated by the primary colours involved.

"The main quality of the fourth ray is the ability to form links between any of the rays. Its colour varies according to the rays involved, but it is always a pastel shade.

The 'fifth ray', 'green', has the quality of truth and is a combination of second ray emotions and third ray intellect.

The 'sixth ray' has the qualities of devotion and idealism, and its 'purple' colour is a combination of first ray will and second ray emotions.

The 'seventh ray' has the quality of 'completion or attainment'. Its colour, dark 'brown', combines those of all three primary rays, indicating its secondary quality of wholeness or independence.
I must emphasise that each Ray is equal in its manifestation on Earth,
and no Ray is better, easier or more useful than any other.

1st Ray (primary ray) 'will (yod)' - 'Divine Intention'

The Three Primary Rays are the 'Spiritual Essence or Monad'

ABOVE Centre - 'CROWN Centre'
Ray of 'WILL - DIVINE INTENTION' - Red and Gold
Our 'consciousness' is the result of the interaction of the First Primary Ray
'Energy of the SKY'.
Lines Of 'Awareness' and 'Volition' - 'life-force or will'

Masculine 'creative energy' that issues from the Father
Ray of Manifestation:
Ray of Will or Intention
Which works as the 'Archetypal Energy'.

The Lords of Flame are 'Elemental gods' who are responsible for the 'seven divisions' of the 'Absolute's Will' into the 'Seven Kingdoms'.
The first ray is 'red', and this colour indicates the energy
and impetus behind 'all positive conditions'.
The Line of Volition is the 'north/south axis' on a horoscope related to the masculine First Ray of Will and the First Primary.

The aim is to 'balance the opposite ends' of each of these axes by combining the two opposing elements until they become as 'ONE',
so that the elements of Fire and Earth equate with Will the 'First primary',
and Water and Air equate with Love / Wisdom the 'Second Primary'.

In so doing, we have successfully converted two elements into the 'First primary'
and the other two elements into the 'Second Primary'.
First ray of Will compatible with - Raja yoga
AriesAries | 1st Ray | Element: Fire | Quality: Cardinal

Aries is the focal point of the expression of the first aspect of 'divinity', the will aspect.

Aries is, as might be expected, closely connected with the 'Great Bear' but peculiarly so with one of the stars called The 'Pointers'; these point to the 'Pole star' which is at this time a 'major star of direction'.

Direction, will, purpose and plan are all connected with the solar Logos and with His evolutionary undertakings in connection with the many lives manifesting in the vehicle of expression which we call the solar system. All these respond to the influences of the first ray which is, to all intents and purposes, the energy of divine embodied will, which has been esoterically described as "unavoidable directed purpose."

Vulcan and Pluto
Within our solar system, 'Vulcan and Pluto' are expressions or custodians of this first ray energy and are, as I have told you, esoteric planets. The first indication of the true spiritual will only begins to manifest upon the Path of Discipleship - hence the late discovery of these two planets (late in point of time and from the angle of human knowledge).

For it is only in this Aryan race period that humanity is to any large extent beginning to manifest evidence (and as yet it is no more) of a reaction or a response to the spiritual will of deity as it comes to our planet and hence to us via Aries, Vulcan and Pluto. You have, therefore, the following direct line of will energy:
 The Pointer furthest from the Pole Star in the constellation of the Great Bear. This is, esoterically speaking, [196] a great reservoir or focal point for divine energy, carrying out God's purpose. The Pointer nearest to the Pole Star is expressive of a lower aspect of the will, which - in speaking of humanity - we call self-will.
 Aries, in which the will to create or to manifest makes its appearance and the great divine experiment is initiated.
 Vulcan and Pluto are related to the two Pointers and are only now beginning, in any definite and clear manner, to affect human response. Their effect has been planetary in its nature up to date and has not hitherto been at all effective in either the fourth or the second kingdoms in nature.
 Shamballa, the Custodian of the Plan for our planet.

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Aries (March 21 - April 20, the Ram), (The dates given are approximate, they vary according to different authorities.) through the capture of the Man-Eating Mares, we see him make his start, react to thought impulse, and learn something of mind control. As the intelligent disciple, he starts out upon his career, beginning with an undefined spiritual urge to righteousness and ending as the world savior.

In the Brahmanical zodiac, Vishnu presides over Aries and Vishnu is the second person of the Hindu Trimurti, or the 'Cosmic Christ' in incarnation, as he initiates the process of form-taking, and ultimately brings about the final episode of resurrection.

Thus Vishnu or Christ embodies the two urges, the urge to create and build form and the urge to liberation, or 'resurrection out of form'. It is under this urge to liberation that Hercules starts upon his labors.

LeoLeo | Leo 1st Ray | Element: Fire | Quality: Fixed

The sign Leo represents fire or 'spirit'. Leo, as the lion, is the strength of the lower nature, and is the 'serpent' of force which, if directed 'upward', overcomes.

According to Alice Bailey Leo is associated with the 2nd Ray NOT the 1st Ray

-Leo is the 2nd Ray and is NOT the 1st Ray is the focal point for the expression of
the second aspect, the 'love-wisdom' or 'consciousness' aspect.
This, primarily where humanity is concerned.
Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Leo (July 22 - August 21, the Lion), he undertakes the best known of his labors, the killing of the Nemean Lion. He demonstrates in this test the power to do two things and proves to his watching master, Eurystheus, that his refocused and coordinated personality is characterized by that determined courage which is the gift of people born in this sign, and he testifies through this labor also that the lower can be subordinated to the higher. Through the service rendered and the sanity of his procedure he gives a guarantee of the strength of his purpose.

According to Alice Bailey

The four signs - Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius - are related to the following 'STARS'
which are not numbered in the twelve signs of the zodiac; they constitute another field of relationships:
 Aries to one of the two stars, found in the constellation, the 'Great Bear', which are called the 'Two Pointers'.
 Leo to 'Polaris', the 'Pole Star', found in the 'Little Bear'.
 Scorpio to 'Sirius', the 'Dog Star'.
 Aquarius to 'Alcyone', one of the 'seven Pleiades'.

Crown Centre
The Crown Centre relates to our individual Ray energy and its connection with its highest point of origin. It works with energy from certain 'Star clusters and Galaxies', which has nothing to do with the conventional twelve signs of the zodiac, but is more concerned with a particular part of the sky, and the Stars and Galaxies visible at 'each individual degree'.

It therefore works in Humans as First Primary energy, giving us our spiritual motivation in its purest possible form, or as pure as we are able to appreciate it.

First ray Attributes

"These subjects are motivated by their will and have lots of energy and drive. But this very active force needs creative outlets otherwise it may degenerate into lust or violence. Basically egocentric and often showy, such subjects are very original, but their natural instinct to rush things sometimes leads to a lack of care.

They are stern and sometimes severe, but also fair-minded, paternal, gentle, loving, kind and capable of compassion. Such subjects need to be the dominant partner and, although independent, occasionally need someone to react upon. They tend to have sudden and stunning effects on others, and their will-power is strong enough to force those around them to do what they demand without question.

Key Words - Qualities


2nd Ray (primary ray) 'love (ha)'

The Three Primary Rays are the 'Spiritual Essence or Monad'

Ray of 'LOVE - WISDOM' - Blue
It is the 'Magnetic attractive force' of the Second Ray of 'L O V E'
that exists throughout the 'Uni-verse (One-verse)'.
Line of 'Awareness' is the 'east/west axis' related to feminine Second Ray of Love / Wisdom and the Second Primary.

The aim is to 'balance the opposite ends' of each of these axes by combining the two opposing elements until they become as 'ONE',
so that the elements of Fire and Earth equate with Will the 'First primary',
and Water and Air equate with Love / Wisdom the 'Second Primary'.

In so doing, we have successfully converted two elements into the 'First primary'
and the other two elements into the 'Second Primary'.

'Second ESOTERIC Centre of Earth'

This is the 2nd 'plane' of 'Pure Consciousness' where 'love and Wisdom' reside.

Lines Of 'Awareness' and 'Form'
To be polarised in a particular centre shows the type and quality of the conscious energy used by the 'Head Centre' and brain to express awareness.
Ray of Manifestation:
Ray of Consciousness or Love
Representing our 'Condition of Awareness'.

The Lords of Mind are 'Humans' who are responsible for the 'seven divisions' of the 'Absolute's Consciousness' into the 'Seven Rays'.
The second ray is 'blue', indicating the 'negative void' of 'total unity'
which can be 'achieved by the highest expression of the emotions'.
Second ray of Love compatible with - Karma yoga

TaurusTaurus | 2nd Ray | Element: Earth | Quality: Fixed

Taurus, representing 'form' and the 'attractive' pull of matter.
Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Taurus (April 21 - May 20, the Bull), he has to learn the nature of desire, to transmute it into aspiration, to dominate sex, and use it rightly, and thus capture the Cretan Bull. This strong urge, and the potency of attraction, is that, as we shall see, which produces the great illusion, but which can, eventually, become the cause of illumination.

VirgoVirgo | 2nd Ray | Element: Earth | Quality: Mutable

According to Alice Bailey Virgo is associated with the 3rd Ray NOT the 2nd Ray

-Virgo is the focal point for the expression of the third aspect, that of 'active intelligence'. In that sign the highest function of 'matter' is symbolized.
Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Virgo (August 22 - September 21, the Virgin), therefore, the first of the disciple signs, he performs his sixth labor, and seizes the girdle of Hippolyte, the Queen of the Amazons. It is interesting to note that the first labor on the probationary path started with a partial failure, in Aries, and the first labor on the Path of Discipleship in Virgo is also "done, but badly done".

The disciple must never be off his guard, for there is always the danger of error and of mistake. His very virtues can become his problem and we are told that it is possible even for a high initiate son of God to drop back from the Path of Attainment. His failure is, however, only temporary. Fresh opportunities occur.

The consequence of his mistake has been delay, but the day of restoration and of renewal inevitably recurs. In Virgo we have depicted the preparation for the first initiation, the birth of the Christ, called in Christianity the birth of the Christ in the heart. This is a physical plane happening as well as a transcendental one, as we find when we study the signs of Virgo and of Capricorn.

LeoLeo | Leo 1st Ray | Element: Fire | Quality: Fixed

According to Alice Bailey Leo is associated with the 2nd Ray NOT the 1st Ray

-Leo is the 2nd Ray and is NOT the 1st Ray is the focal point for the expression of
the second aspect, the 'love-wisdom' or 'consciousness' aspect.
This, primarily where humanity is concerned.

In Leo there is an almost unique condition where humanity is concerned as the Sun governs all expressions - exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. It rules the personality, the soul and the fourth Creative Hierarchy.


Humans are destined eventually to take up their rightful position on the Second Plane, where the 'Hierarchy presently exists', to aid the Absolute in His Plan by co-operation with the Devic evolution on the Third Plane.

The Second Plane of 'PURE Consciousness', where 'GODMAN' becomes one of the 'True Servers' our planet, and aligns himself with the Hierarchy, the 'Second ESOTERIC Centre of Earth'.

In the Hierarchy, highly evolved members of the Human evolution in conjunction with their Devic counterparts, devise skeleton plans for procedures that are necessary in furthering the evolution of Humanity, as decreed by the Absolute. The resulting plans, which lack any specific details and show more of a result required than the method to be used, are then passed down to Devic helpers, who create the forms with their ‘minds’ out of etheric material.

These forms exist only so long as the Devic creator continues to ‘think’ about them, after which they cease to exist and are reabsorbed into the virgin etheric. This angular thought-form is projected onto the ether of our planet, where it rests until a ,mortal’s mind, tunes into it.

This is an 'unconscious process', and as the realisation becomes an idea in the person’s awareness, the idea inspires the action necessary to earth the angle as a physical reality.
This is how most manufactured objects, inventions and projects come into being. Natural forms are built in the same way, but without the necessity of Human intervention.

Then the 'archetypal idea' formed by the Deva is planted in the 'ether' so that natural Second Primary energy originating with the sun and stars empowers the angles to create form out of physical matter, through the Devic utilisation of nature spirits or Elemental energies.

Humans are using Second Primary energy to create Third Primary forms that have been initialised by the First Primary of 'archetypes' working naturally through them.

So although Humans have the ability to create by combining Second Primary conscious energy with Third Primary 'IMAGINATION', unless they deliberately employ their own will, their creations can only match the original First Primary archetypes.

With very few exceptions, everything that exists on Earth has been inspired by 'higher intelligences', and Humans are mere tools of the ‘gods’. In this way, man is conforming to the Divine Plan as originally conceived by the First and Third Primary energies of the cosmos, even though he may believe he alone is responsible for his creations.

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Leo (July 22 - August 21, the Lion), he undertakes the best known of his labors, the killing of the Nemean Lion. He demonstrates in this test the power to do two things and proves to his watching master, Eurystheus, that his refocused and coordinated personality is characterized by that determined courage which is the gift of people born in this sign, and he testifies through this labor also that the lower can be subordinated to the higher. Through the service rendered and the sanity of his procedure he gives a guarantee of the strength of his purpose.

Light - Color - Consciousness

As 'both consciousness and light' are manifestations of the Second Primary, and divisions of consciousness and divisions of light are also Second Primary, we can see that the Rays must also represent 'divisions of consciousness and divisions of light'.

Through its obvious connection with light, 'colour is the essence of the Second Primary' in the physical realm as well as in the higher levels, so it relates to Human beings both individually and collectively, and also to the 'manifestation of consciousness on every level'.

This is why 'Humanity' represents the Second Primary, and why the Seven Rays are the divisions of the Second Primary.

The only difference in higher manifestations of the Second Primary is a variation of the colour scales involved.

Therefore, each Second Primary reality will only differ in the variation of colours found in its spectrum; so 'different colour scales will mark the different levels', but every level directly connected to the Second Primary will manifest colour.

This results in a different variety of colours representing the same divisions of reality:
colour variations are indicative of the consciousness level being experienced.

Colour varies considerably according to the different circumstances in which it is found because it exists on the borderline of the 'objective' and 'subjective' states, like a rainbow mirror which reflects man’s opposing conscious conditions that are responsible for his 'normal awareness'.

Colours actually represent the sevenfold division of anything we can imagine through their 'intimate connection with consciousness'.

Divine Will
The will is the instrument through which we have access to our 'divine nature'. The will is not a function of the Personality, but of the soul.

The Personality can pretend to be exercising the will, but it naturally lacks the right motivation.

True motive is the essence of the 'Divine Will', which we can all access once we learn where in our psyche it is to be found.

Second ray Attributes

It is the most objective Ray in one sense, but this creates a need to become subjective. Therefore, the Second Ray can also appear selfish, because people of this Ray are trying to resolve the duality: unlike the First Ray they are aware of the opposites but feel a compulsion to resolve them, by bringing them together in an act of 'LOVE'.

The Second Ray person has the ability of seeing both sides of any situation and attempts to resolve their differences by attracting the opposing factors to join up as a 'singular reality'.

"These subjects are motivated by their emotions stemming from a desire to raise themselves to the heights, so that they can enjoy a 'unifying relationship with their Maker'. They exemplify the passive, feminine quality that is in direct opposition to the positive, masculine assertion of the first ray subjects. They are strongly attracted to all things, whether people or concepts, that they feel are above them. Consequently, they often use 'LOVE', the strongest human emotion, in their efforts at drawing themselves upwards. But wisdom is very important to these subjects also, so awareness or consciousness is a necessity in their relationships. Therefore, they usually play the more passive role. They are affectionate, friendly, kind, quiet, and often endowed with an attractive appearance and disposition.

Key Words - Qualities


3rd Ray (primary ray)

The Three Primary Rays are the 'Spiritual Essence or Monad'

Central Point 'THROAT Centre'
Third Primary Ray 'Energy of the planet Earth'
'Point Of Origin of Each Line'
Ray of Manifestation:
Ray of Form
Representing 'Angular Form'

The Lords of Form are Devas who are responsible for the 'seven divisions'
of the 'Absolute's Form' into the 'Seven Planes'.
T I M E, is another Third Primary manifestation
The third ray is 'yellow', which indicates the 'background of form',
or the 'intellectual organisation responsible for manifestation'.
The Third Ray is where form begins; it is the 'ROOT of IMAGINATIVE THOUGHT' which leads to ideas, and the 'translation of the intangible into form'. From the Third Ray, the other four Rays of Attribute are born, to accomplish the ends begun with the Primaries.

Rays Four through to Seven put Form into perspective, giving them the ability to manifest in our physical reality through a division into practical states of being.
Third ray of Form compatible with - Jnana yoga
GeminiGemini | 3rd Ray | Element: Air | Quality: Mutable

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Gemini (May 21 - June 20, the Twins), the progress of the disciple, hitherto subjective and characterized by thought and desire, works out into expression on the physical plane. In this sign he arrives at knowledge of himself as a personality and gathers the golden apples of knowledge, subordinating to his enterprise the three aspects of the personal lower self, the physical body, the desire-feeling nature and the mind.

SagittariusSagittarius | 3rd Ray | Element: Fire | Quality: Mutable

We are told that Sagittarius governs the thighs, which are the main center of physical power and protective strength, and also the 'sacral center' which provides the energy for the use of the 'creative powers' of the physical life. This is also symbolically true.

In Sagittarius, the disciple has two things to discover within himself; these are the power to make progress upon the path and to walk the Way, and also the ability to create in the higher and spiritual sense.

This concerns the relationship between the 'SACRAL' and the 'THROAT centers'.
These powers (the higher powers) are as yet embryonic in the earlier Sagittarian experience of the disciple, but they become more developed and potent as he cyclically returns to life experience in this sign.2

Sagittarius is 'esoterically' regarded as a 'sign of balance' and of no extremes; there is no great fall and no exaltation. This fact indicates that the disciple has to walk an even way (middle way) between the 'PAIRS of OPPOSITES'.

Mercury, which is the expression of the 'FOURTH ray' ( NOT this the 3rd Ray) and also the God of the mental processes, has his power definitely lessened in this sign and this for two reasons, esoterically speaking: First, the disciple has definitely to cease identifying himself with either his own human personality and processes or with the human kingdom, prior to taking initiation. His emphasis is, for the future, to be upon the 'spiritual SOUL' and the
fifth kingdom in nature; in Sagittarius he begins to express this first stage.

This involves a complete withdrawal, in the 'PERSONALITY' sense, from the 'FORM' side of life. This again entails (at a certain point of crisis) a point of balance. Secondly, the power of the mind, having been developed, tested and found true in the sign Scorpio, begins to wane in its activity and the intuition begins to take its place. This is essential before the sign Capricorn is entered by the disciple and preparation for 'INITIATION' begins.

Three Decanates of Sagittarius
As regards the three decanates of Sagittarius, Sepharial gives us the three governing planets as Mercury, the Moon and the Sun, whilst Alan Leo gives us Jupiter, Mars and the Sun, emphasizing as he always does the way of the 'esotericists'.

He usually tunes in on the esoteric significances but not always. Jupiter gives expansion, superseding Mercury, for the mercurial mind is ever a limitation even if only a temporary one. The Moon gives place to Mars, which confers the quality of devotion and the capacity to fight for an ideal.

This idealistic concept and method of work is always the characteristic of discipleship during the early stages of unfoldment upon the Path. The Sun, typifying the 'Solar Angel' remains constant both through the exoteric and the esoteric processes and therefore astrology recognizes it as a constant pressure and 'presence'.

This fact in itself indicates a significant truth. The 'SOUL' remains 'ETERNALLY PRESENT'
- in the past, in the present and on into the future.

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

VirgoVirgo | 2nd Ray | Element: Earth | Quality: Mutable

According to Alice Bailey Virgo is associated with the 3rd Ray NOT the 2nd Ray

-Virgo is the focal point for the expression of the third aspect, that of 'active intelligence'. In that sign the highest function of 'matter' is symbolized.

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Virgo (August 22 - September 21, the Virgin), therefore, the first of the disciple signs, he performs his sixth labor, and seizes the girdle of Hippolyte, the Queen of the Amazons. It is interesting to note that the first labor on the probationary path started with a partial failure, in Aries, and the first labor on the Path of Discipleship in Virgo is also "done, but badly done".

The disciple must never be off his guard, for there is always the danger of error and of mistake. His very virtues can become his problem and we are told that it is possible even for a high initiate son of God to drop back from the Path of Attainment. His failure is, however, only temporary. Fresh opportunities occur.

The consequence of his mistake has been delay, but the day of restoration and of renewal inevitably recurs. In Virgo we have depicted the preparation for the first initiation, the birth of the Christ, called in Christianity the birth of the Christ in the heart. This is a physical plane happening as well as a transcendental one, as we find when we study the signs of Virgo and of Capricorn.

In their purest condition, Devas are solely of the Third Ray because of their formulating nature, and as all form has its origins in the Third Ray this is their natural position.

The Devic beings who exist on this level are known as the angels and archangels.

Throat Centre
The Throat Centre is 'CENTRAL' and connected to every other centre directly. This is because the Throat Centre is related to the Devic Evolution, and has the ability to connect the individual to the highest manifestation of angles operating on the planet, as well as the Devic beings known as the Archangels who control them.

It is also the centre through which we are able to connect with our 'Holy Guardian Angel', the being who has ultimate control over our personal angles.

The Throat Centre is the ultimate response centre for aspects between planets, the source of all angles, irrespective of the zodiac positions of the planets.

The Throat Centre functions with 'pure planetary energy', which is the energy of the planets and their mutual aspects, irrespective of their zodiacal position, and acts as the clearinghouse for all planetary angular energy.

Most importantly of all, it is through the Throat Centre that we are linked to our essential life energy, the three Primary Rays.

Therefore, it has to be connected to every other centre, because all centres require 'planetary stimulation' to continue to operate throughout life.

Third ray Attributes

"The mind or intellect motivates these folk. They can give form to ideas and transform them into concepts. The first two rays deal with the intangible, but a third ray subject will resolve such abstractions into tangible realities. Practical in all things, with a good aesthetic appreciation of quality, they consider intelligence a virtue and manifestation a necessity.

The Third Ray deals with the natural world, nature and 'wildlife in general', the 'welfare of animals', and the ecological balance required to maintain a healthy environment.

They are good at discriminating and formulating their own opinions, hold things connected with the senses in high regard, and have keen perceptions. Happiness is important to these subjects, whether through the ordinary pursuits of pleasure or education and knowledge.

They like doing things with others, enjoy discussion and deliberation, sport, games and art. Because of a deep urge for outside stimulation, such folk need the company of others similar to themselves and, as they are very tactful and diplomatic, they make good advisers and organisers.

Third Ray and the fourth Rays of Attribute deal with the manipulation of Devic form, from imaginative ideas, to art and crafts in general, to music, movement and dance, and the realisation of these ideas.

Key Words - Qualities


4th Ray
Ray of 'LINKS' - HARMONY THROUGH CONFLICT - pale Blue, Green, any Pastel Shade
Lines Of 'Awareness' and 'Form'

"The main quality of the fourth ray is the ability to form links between any of the rays.
Its colour varies according to the rays involved, but it is always a pastel shade.
Fourth ray of Links compatible with - Hatha yoga
CancerCancer | 4th Ray | Element: Water | Quality: Cardinal

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Cancer (June 21 - July 21, the Crab), the higher faculty of the intuition is brought into play, and this is symbolized for us [226] in the capture of the elusive Doe, or Hind, sensitive and difficult to find. In his previous cycles of life experience, he has transmuted instinct into intellect, but now as the disciple, he must transmute intellect into intuition. The higher correspondences of all the lower powers have to be developed and utilized.

Angelic Devas
Angelic Devas work through the Fourth level of angles in operation, through a co-operation with people who are working periodically through their 'Heart Centres' in preparation for their 'ultimate repolarisation'. So evolved Devas, who we know as angels, exist on the Fourth level which is their equivalent level of physical reality.

We are destined to be polarised through the 'Heart Centre', which is centred on the fourth plane of the 'etheric', and is concerned with the 'intuition'.

To be polarised in a particular centre shows the type and quality of the conscious energy used by the 'Head Centre' and brain to express awareness.

Although they are more able to exist on higher levels than Humans, this is the lowest they can function on their own. On the lower three levels they work through Elementals without retaining their angelic form.

Heart Centre
The Heart Centre, which relates to the Fourth Ray, is connected to the 'Stellar Zodiac', which is the energy field of the entire 'Uni-verse (One-verse)'.

The energies from the 'Stellar Zodiac' (subject to the stellar influences of the Seven Rays)
that flow through the Heart Centre are related to the Fourth Ray, and deal with angles in their subjective condition, as well as those angles which connect us to 'other levels'.

Fourth ray Attributes

"These subjects are motivated by a 'deep sense of harmony in all things'. They act as the link between the separateness of things, creating unity and making all things equal by bridging apparent barriers. This harmonising effect comes from the inside, acting outwards, and is therefore 'totally selfless'. Consequently, such subjects are opposed to selfishness and hold true brotherhood of man as their highest ideal.

They are adept at co-ordinating various projects and, being able to see a common denominator in opposing people or ideals, have a good understanding of these paradoxes. Although they can take pleasure from this ability to see things from another's point of view, it can also lead to painful and disturbing experiences.

They enjoy becoming involved with a lot of people, but are very aware of how others see them; this leads them to give only what they receive. These folk are easygoing, preferring to give way rather than upset a peaceful atmosphere.

The Fourth Ray person will use its own energies to actively become the void between disparaging elements, in order to dissolve the opposites.

The Fourth Ray has influence over the higher and hidden parts of something which hold everything together, like the etheric web or angular structure, and so is naturally attracted to group situations, environments and atmospheres.

It also functions on non-physical and intuitive levels, such as psychic atmospheres, tradition, geographical places or sites that have an aura of mystery. A Fourth Ray person naturally connects to the influence emanating from people, places or situations; and has the ability to create environments and atmospheres which will produce similar effects on others.

They are true artists who can resolve conflict into harmony, but often at great personal involvement and cost.

Third Ray and the fourth Rays of Attribute deal with the manipulation of Devic form, from imaginative ideas, to art and crafts in general, to music, movement and dance, and the realisation of these ideas.

Key Words - Qualities


5th Ray  -  I.C. = 'SOLAR PLEXUS Centre' - SUBCONSCIOUS
Ray of 'TRUTH' - CONCRETE SCIENCE - Green and Orange
Lines Of 'Volition' and 'Form'
The 'fifth ray', 'green', has the quality of truth and is a combination
of second ray emotions and third ray intellect.
Fifth ray of Truth compatible with - Laya yoga
LibraLibra | 5th Ray | Element: Air | Quality: Cardinal

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Libra (September 22 - October 21, the Balance), Hercules captures the Boar and, through the performance of this labor, demonstrates his fitness to take the second initiation, which concerns the emotional body. He balances the pairs of opposites and demonstrates it in an amusing and symbolic manner. He proves that poise and equilibrium are now achieved characteristics and that he is fit to undertake the tremendous task provided for him in the next sign.

AuqariusAuqarius | 5th Ray | Element: Air | Quality: Fixed

Aquarius, air or 'MIND'

Aquarius, the 'MAN', is the 'light-bearer', or 'light-bringer'.

No planet is exalted in Aquarius and no planet falls in this sign because the true Aquarian - after due experience upon the Mutable Cross and the Fixed Cross - has reached a point of balance. He is held by none of the pairs of opposites but uses them both for spiritual ends.

He is hindered neither by earth nor water (Capricorn and Pisces); he has surmounted the tests of both the processes of incarnation and initiation and so stands free, distributing energy and life, symbolized by the two wavy lines.

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

Solar Plexus Centre
The Solar Plexus Centre that relates to the Fifth Ray, is connected to the energy field of the 'S U N', and which affects the Solar Plexus Centre through its 'Annual Seasons'.

According to Alice Bailey

The four signs - Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius - are related to the following 'STARS'
which are not numbered in the twelve signs of the zodiac; they constitute another field of relationships:
 Aries to one of the two stars, found in the constellation, the 'Great Bear', which are called the 'Two Pointers'.
 Leo to 'Polaris', the 'Pole Star', found in the 'Little Bear'.
 Scorpio to 'Sirius', the 'Dog Star'.
 Aquarius to 'Alcyone', one of the 'seven Pleiades'.

Fifth ray Attributes

"These subjects are motivated by a strong yearning to discover the ultimate truth, a goal they continually pursue. Because they use every part of themselves in this quest they may appear cold and unemotional. Errors which another would ignore are noticed by these folk whose emotions are channelled into the uplifting spiritual pursuit for higher truth.

Their interest in searching out the truth gives such subjects the inquisitiveness to find answers to everything. They must know how things work and how things are in precise detail and, being naturally meticulous, they expect absolute perfection in everything.

Associates, social or otherwise, are firmly placed in their correct positions, and great value is laid on correct methods and manners. Such folk are always prepared well in advance for any eventuality. And, in their personal affairs, are good at holding a stable, objective viewpoint in any situation which may arise.

Key Words - Qualities


6th Ray  -  M.C. Midheaven = 'SEX Centre' - SUPERCONSCIOUS
Ray of 'DEVOTION' - IDEALISM - Lilac
Lines Of 'Volition' and 'Form'
The 'sixth ray' has the qualities of devotion and idealism, and its 'purple' colour
is a combination of first ray will and second ray emotions.
Sixth ray of Devotion compatible with - Bhakti yoga
ScorpioScorpio | 6th Ray | Element: Water | Quality: Fixed

Scorpio, at this particular stage of human evolution, governs the 'Path of Discipleship'.
The motto of the sign of Scorpio is silence.

Scorpio represents 'water' likened to the 'SOUL':
Scorpio, the scorpion, is often 'transmuted' with Aquila, the eagle ... which rises at the same time with Scorpio; they are closely linked in symbolism. Scorpio is 'the monster of darkness', who stings to death, and yet preserves and reproduces, symbolizing not only generation but 'regeneration'.

As the latter it is Aquila, the eagle, the 'bird of the sun' which has conquered the dark side of Scorpio (that adversary that can drag man down lower than the beasts), but when transmuted is the 'eagle of light', which can 'exalt above the gods'."

You will note here also how Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius form a peculiar triangle of force. Alice Bailey

Scorpio is the great constellation which influences the turning point both in the life of humanity and the life of the individual human being.

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

PiscesPisces | 6th Ray | Element: Water | Quality: Mutable

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

Sex Centre
The Sex Centre, which relates to the Sixth Ray and is connected to the 'Moon' field, and which affects the Sex Centre through the 'Lunar phases' in the same way that the Moon affects our planet Earth.

According to Alice Bailey

The four signs - Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius - are related to the following 'STARS'
which are not numbered in the twelve signs of the zodiac; they constitute another field of relationships:
 Aries to one of the two stars, found in the constellation, the 'Great Bear', which are called the 'Two Pointers'.
 Leo to 'Polaris', the 'Pole Star', found in the 'Little Bear'.

Polaris - The 'Star of Direction' - governing Shamballa. Later, another Pole Star will take the place of Polaris, owing to the interplay of forces in the universe and the general shift and movement.
But the name and quality of this star will only be 'revealed at initiation'.
 Scorpio to 'Sirius', the 'Dog Star'.



Sirius - The 'Star of Sensitivity' - governing the 'Hierarchy'.

Sirius is esoterically called the "brilliant star of sensitivity."

Scorpio is under the influence or inflowing energy of 'S I R I U S'.

This is the GREAT STAR of 'INITIATION' because our Hierarchy (an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy of Sirius.
 Aquarius to 'Alcyone', one of the 'seven Pleiades'.

The Pleiades are the symbol of the 'SOUL' around which the wheel of life revolves.

Alcyone, called the 'CENTRAL SUN' of our universe, and around it circles our sun,
with its attendant planets.

Alcyone - The 'Star of the Individual' - governing 'Humanity'.

Sixth ray Attributes

"These subjects are motivated by a deep and intense devotion to high ideals, accompanied by a longing for absorption into eternal bliss. Intensely emotional, they act mainly on faith which they trust far more than logic.

They are very persistent and cannot be deterred from following their own path and any kind of sacrifice is seen only as a steppingstone towards their aspirations. Deep involvement,
'loss of self-identity' and single-minded idealism keep them solidly fixed on far distant goals.

Unfortunately, they may appear gullible and meek to others and often suffer as a result. They are devoted and loyal to their friends, easily become emotionally involved in relationships and are quite often hurt. Consequently, such subjects sometimes assume a brash facade which barely covers their inner lack of peace and security.

Key Words - Qualities


7th Ray  -  BELOW Centre - 'BASE - ROOT Centre'
Lines Of 'Awareness' and 'Volition'
The 'seventh ray' has the quality of 'completion or attainment'.
Its colour, dark 'brown', combines those of all three primary rays,
indicating its secondary quality of wholeness or independence.
Seventh ray of Completion - Mantra or Yantra yoga.
CapricornCapricorn | 7th Ray | Element: Earth | Quality: Cardinal

Labors of 'H E R C U L E S'

The labors and progress of Hercules from the mental plane, through the emotional or desire plane and out into 'physical manifestation'.

In Capricorn he becomes the 'Initiate', and this stage is always impossible until illusion has been overcome and the power of silence has been achieved.

Base - Root Centre

The Base Centre relates to the Seventh Ray or Seventh Plane energy field, because this centre connects man to the 'planet Earth’s own energy field', and as such this centre will act as part of the 'Earth's magnetic field', relating to the 'Cardinal Compass points via Magnetic North'.

The Base Centre is operative on the level of 'pure Earth consciousness', subject to the variety of influences depending only on the geographical position on the Earth’s surface, irrespective of the time of day or of the seasons.

Each position on the planet has a unique influence based on geo-magnetism which works through the Base Centre, and this is due to fault lines, stress factors of the tectonic plates, underground water sources such as blind springs, the type of terrain, whether it is fertile or desert, whether it is near a large body of water, and so on.

This unique quality is dependent on the magnetic forces of the Earth’s own magnetic field, and therefore the surface position is determined by the relationship it has with the North and South Poles of the planet.

First there is the place where you live, which is tied in with the place you where born, and this is operative through the Base Centre.

Both your current position and the place of your birth determine the quality of your physical solid form and your 'K U N D A L I N I' energy factor, because just as your birthplace is responsible for his natal angles, so your 'current location' is responsible for the levels of energy flowing through these angles, as the 'K U N D A L I N I' is the natural force of the Earth.

Divine Energy is connected to sexual energy, so to begin with we must take a closer look at how this manifests in our lives.

Sexual energy can activate the higher centres because it has the natural ability of 'encouraging' the kundalini force to rise up the middle spinal channel or Sushumna, by 'balancing the opposing energies' of the spiralling Ida and Pingala channels which twist around the spine in the Human etheric body.

Kundalini energy originates at the 'Base Centre' through its connection with the 'Earth energies'. It is transformed into sexual energy when it reaches the next centre, the Sex Centre.

Seventh ray Attributes

"A need to materialise on earth all that exists above, by making realities out of other men's dreams, motivates these subjects. Therefore, they act as they think, feel and will. They are extremely aware of the separateness of each thing, and function naturally as a complete, self-sufficient unity.

This makes them very independent and earthy with the capacity to do without other people entirely. This independence, unlike the first ray subject's freedom from restrictions, indicates complete attachment to material surroundings.

Through their 'unity of being' and detachment from others they can become self-centred and find it difficult not to use other people for their own purposes. They are 'materially minded' and sow seeds solely that they can gather the fruit - always expecting a return from their investment and favours. These subjects have to be the dominant in their relationships with others and may develop a tendency to treat everybody as either possessions or servants.

Key Words - Qualities


Spirit, Soul and Personality
The 'highest three chakras', the Crown, Head and Throat, work mainly with Elemental, Human and Devic energy respectively, giving us our 'life-force or will', our 'consciousness', and our 'form' or physical body. This ties in with our spirit, soul and personality.

The 'First Ray' is responsible for our 'physical motivation'.
The 'Second Ray' is responsible for our 'awareness'
The 'Third Ray' is responsible for our 'mental faculties'

The lower four chakras work with the four Rays of Attribute through the medium of the four elements which correspond to the lower four Planes.

These Planes are formed out of the substance of Elementals which is why they are alluded to as the "elements" and are organised into realities perceivable by Human consciousness through the interaction of the Devas.

Elements in a Human being
The 'Earth' element governs the 'solid form', from 'skeleton to skin'.

The 'Water' element governs the 'liquid form', from the water content of the body to the 'bloodstream'.

The 'Air' element governs the 'gaseous form' such as the 'breath'.

The 'Fire' element governs the 'energy form' such as the 'nervous system'.
S E V E N - R A Y S - Astrology

All the Lords of the rays create a body of expression, and thus the seven planets have come into being. These are their major expressions.

There is an interesting correlation between the seven major (i.e. 30° harmonic) astrological 'aspects and the seven rays'. For instance, the 'conjunction' expresses the initial pulse of masculine creative energy that issues from the Father, and therefore is akin to the nature if the 'first divine Ray'.

Consequently, the 'opposition' aspect corresponds with the 'seventh Ray' and symbolises the birth of the creative spirit into 'physical' matter - its lowest (or densest) point of emergence within the body of the 'Mother'.

The wave-form of creation is reflected back towards its source when it reaches the opposition point.

The whole cycle of movement, from conjunction to conjunction, requires the activation of 13 harmonic points or major astrological angles.

The macrocosmic creative process proceeds at a pace determined by the level of consciousness (and thus by the degree of conscious participation) of the group of microcosmic lives whose duty it is to physically manifest the creation.

Those units who have made 'firm contact' with the 'love (ha)' and 'will (yod)' of the creator are able to work in harmony with the rolling wave of creation.

The supreme possibility in every person's astrological birth-chart is that the Father principle (yod - the natal planets) will successfully impregnate the Mother principle (ha - the opposite houses/signs), and that She in turn will give birth to a form that is in 'harmony' with the 'conscious spiritual will of the creator'
- in other words, a 'child of IHVH'.

The progression of major aspects from the 'conjunction' to the 'opposition' describes the process of the 'descent of spirit (or creative force)' into and through 'seven levels of manifestation'. The upward reflection from the 'opposition' aspect back to the 'conjunction' signifies the subsequent 'evolutionary development' (ADNI) and/or creative expression (IHVH) of 'self-consciousness' within the created form.

 SunThe Sun (Veiling Vulcan)

The Lord of Power or Will
This Life wills to love, and uses power as an expression of divine beneficence. For His body of manifestation He uses that planet for which the sun is regarded as the esoteric substitute.
The Planets and the Kingdoms
The mineral kingdom - Vulcan (the Sun veils Vulcan).


The Lord of Love-Wisdom
Who is the embodiment of 'pure love', is regarded by esotericists as being as close to the heart of the Solar Logos as was the beloved disciple close to the heart of the Christ of Galilee. This Life instills into all forms the quality of love, with its more material manifestation of desire, and is the attractive principle in nature and the custodian of the Law of Attraction, which is the life-demonstration of 'pure Being'.

This 'Lord of Love' is the most potent of the seven rays, because He is on the same cosmic ray as the solar Deity. He expresses Himself primarily through the planet Jupiter, which is His body of manifestation.

The Word is issuing from the heart of God, emerging from a 'central point of love'. That 'Word is love itself'. Divine desire colors all that life of love.

The 'Word in the beginning was'. The Word hath dwelt and dwells with God.
In Him was light. In Him was life. Within His light we walk.

When light and love are shewn forth then 'let the power within produce the perfect flower'. Let the word that heals the form go forth. That secret word that then must be revealed. Quality - the power to save.

Salvation, light, and love, with the magnetic power of God, produce the word of wisdom.
Send forth that word, and lead the sons of men from off the path of knowledge on to the path of understanding.

Within the radius of the love of God, within the circle of the solar system, all forms, all souls, all lives revolve. Let each son of God enter into this wisdom. Reveal to each the oneness of the many lives. Quality - expansion or inclusiveness.
The Planets and the Kingdoms
The vegetable kingdom - Jupiter and Venus


The Lord of Active Intelligence
His work is more closely linked to matter and He works in cooperation with the Lord of the second ray. He is the motivating impulse in the initial work of creation. The planet Saturn is His body of expression within the solar system, and through the medium of matter (which beneficently obstructs and hinders) He provides humanity with a vast field of experiment and experience.
The Planets and the Kingdoms
The human kingdom - Saturn and Mercury


The Planets and the Kingdoms
The human kingdom - Mercury and Saturn


The Planets and the Kingdoms
The vegetable kingdom - Venus and Jupiter

In the vegetable kingdom the influence of Venus is predominant.
Venus and Jupiter together powerfully influence this world of forms.


The Planets and the Kingdoms
The animal kingdom - Mars and the Moon

 MoonThe Moon

The Planets and the Kingdoms
The animal kingdom - The Moon and Mars

 PlutoThe Pluto

The Planets and the Kingdoms
The mineral kingdom - Pluto and Vulcan

The energies of these seven Lives however are not confined to their planetary expressions, but sweep around the confines of the solar system just as the life impulses of a human being - his vital forces, his desire impulses, and his mental energies - sweep throughout his body, bringing the various organs into activity and enabling him to carry out his intent, to live his life, and to fulfil the objective for which he created his body of manifestation.

Each of the seven kingdoms in nature reacts to the energy of some particular ray Life. Each of the seven planes similarly reacts; each septenate in nature vibrates to one or another of the initial septenate, for the seven rays establish that process which assigns the limits of influence of all forms. They are that which determines all things, and when I use these words I indicate the necessity of Law. Law is the will of the seven Deities, making its impression upon substance in order to produce a specific intent through the method of the evolutionary process. 2

The ray in manifestation will affect potently the three bodies which constitute the personality of man, and the influence of the ray will produce changes in the mind content and the emotional nature of the man and determine the caliber of the physical body.

The seven rays are the first differentiation of the divine triplicity of Spirit-Consciousness- Form, and they provide the entire field of expression for the manifested Deity. We are told in the scriptures of the world that the interplay, or the relation between, Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter produces eventually a third, which is the Son, or the 'CONSCIOUSNESS ASPECT'.

That Son, the product of the two, is esoterically defined as "the One Who was third but is the second." The reason for this wording is that there first existed the two divine aspects, Spirit-Matter, or matter impregnated with life, and it was only when these two realized their mutual unity (note the necessary ambiguity of that phrase) that the Son emerged.

The esotericist, however, regards Spirit-Matter as the first unity, and the Son therefore is the second factor. This Son, Who is divine Life incarnate in matter, and consequently the producer of the diversity and immensity of forms, is the embodiment of divine quality.

We might therefore utilize - for the sake of clarity - the terms Life-Quality-Appearance as interchangeable with the more usual triplicity of Spirit-Soul-Body, or Life-Consciousness-Form.

The seven rays, being cyclic in appearance, have continuously passed in and out of manifestation and have thus left their mark down the ages upon mankind, and therefore hold the clue to any true historical survey.

U r a n u s - N e p t u n e - P l u t o

Archetypal Forces / Higher Frequencies
are outside the Control and Comprehension of the EGO. (1.)

Transpersonal experience gives our personality a context beyond yet also inclusive of itself and this often occurs with the phenomena of outside shocks. They are outside the control and comprehension of ego.

Real life delivers outside shocks that confront ego with objective truths, those existing conditions of real life that the ego did not cause or cannot manipulate.

When faced with circumstances beyond our control, we either learn to acquiesce or surrender or, we extend our suffering by resisting reality.

Outside shocks coincide with the astrological symbols of the transpersonal planets, or forces, as;
the shocks of oppression/freedom (Uranus),
the shocks of isolation/unity (Neptune),
and the shocks of death/rebirth (Pluto).

Outside shocks trigger growth spurts, inciting new possibilities where previous crystallizations thwarted development.

With each new shock, the personality often enters a temporary disorientation period, a rapid growth cycle, wherein creative opportunities emerge for rearranging and realigning our life as we know it to more truth and higher frequencies.

C O S M I C - I N I T I A T I O N S
Are "NOW" Being Administered
Direct From the Heart of Galactica-Central


G U I D E D - M E D I T A T I O N S
Are "NOW" Being Administered
Direct From the Heart of Galactica-Central



This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis of specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt professional medical attention if you have a particular concern about your health or specific symptoms.

Meditation can produce strong effects, not always salutary. Therefore it is advised to seek experienced guidance. Neither newagemind.com nor the Author(s) can be held responsible for any negative effects of any M E D I T A T I O N / I N I T I A T I O N practices.

By practicing any of these meditation / initiation techniques you do so at YOUR OWN RISK and acknowledge you have read and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.

Use your own discretion while trying them. Meditation is a person's own journey to his inner self. What may suits some people may not suits everybody. If you are ill or weak, take your doctor's advice before trying meditation. Again - use your own discretion.

Though meditation has been shown to be helpful in certain medical conditions, it should never be considered as a substitute for medical treatment, for psychological or psychiatric counseling, or for needed medication.

If you feel discomfort while practicing the meditations, stop immediately. If you are a heart patient or suspect that you may have a heart ailment, consult a physician before practicing.

Because each person's health needs are different, a physician should be consulted before acting on any information provided in these materials.

(1.) Antero Alli: http://www.verticalpool.com
(2.) http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/psychology1/psyc1020.html
3. http://www.astromark.us/fixedstars_orion.htm

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